In The Kitchen

The kitchen is the heart of the home. Personally I believe that means to ditch the pre-made, incredibly processed, store bought goods. Bring back our roots and make genuine homemade food! It brings a fantastic life in the home and lets be honest, it tastes better!

So this last week I’ve been experimenting a lot. Making new recipes and re-discovering tradition. Today I was experimenting with dairy. Cottage cheese more specifically. Because I’m vegetarian I eat cottage cheese almost daily. So I wanted to try making it myself. To my surprise it wasn’t hard at all!

I will admit it isn’t the best. I have to try it again so I can really perfect the flavor. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t a success because IT WAS! I just think it could do with more salt and cream. I think I can still add that though so I may fix it.

I challenge you to make something new this week. Make up a new recipe, learn to make bread, make cottage cheese yourself! Get in the kitchen and try something new. It will build your confidence and make your day.


Alternative Living: Laundry