Knit With Me! 

Passions & Dreams

It starts with an idea. The idea turns into a dream, and the dream turns into passion.

I learned to knit when I was 7 and it very quickly became my passion.

How it began…

It started with 7 year old me walking through the craft store with my mother. Being a crocheter I watched her pick out these beautiful yarns and I was extremely curious. I walked past a pair of knitting needles and that’s when it started!

My mom always has been my biggest supporter, she bought my first set of needles (that I still have 14 years later) and taught me how to shop for yarn. That night I spent hours on YouTube watching as many videos I could fathom. Learning as much as I could, and found that I loved it!

Knitting became a form of worship for me. I started listening to my Bible while working on my projects, and would talk with God while working. It really felt like he was right there sitting with me. Which then became time I looked forward to!

Now my dream is to not only put out my work, but to use it as a vessel to spread the love of God. To build community and inspire those around me.


Have a specific project in mind? Fill out the form explaining the project and we can work together to make it a reality!